The Mansion of E :: Part Six: On My Way to Town
The lack of paper in the Basement was touched upon here. Myrrh previously explained to Mansion-visitor Zay about why the walls move. Once again, Myrrh accurately explained about the Mansion's moving walls here. Yes, I changed the timestamp for the comic to a more universal format. Sheriff Patrick Skragg previously appeared starting here. His son Stephen and his wife Halcyone were mentioned here and here, respectively. And happy Valentine's Day. Rosemary and Sylvester visited Izchak and got the Can-Opener starting here. Rosemary, Sylvester and Mortimer encountered the first of the signs here, "Miss Teree" here, and Tand here. Dorothea and Lilith are currently far to the south of both the MoE and the nation of Tiranog.[Dorothea and Lilith visited Tiranog on their way south] He has since undergone an artistic reworking, but a vision of this Human was previously glimpsed here. If you are seeing this text, your browser does not support inline frames
[Dorothea and Lilith visited Tiranog on their way south]