The Mansion of E :: Part Five: Mechanisms in the Dark
The trio encountered a Sneech-thing here. A couple of fountain-notes: if the scene was appearing in full-color, that fluid would be orange, not brown. (Still probably not a good idea to drink it.) And when the clock first appeared here, I was young and foolish and had not worked out exactly what the various hands indicated. I think/hope I have now, and will try to be consistent about it in future appearances. So don't compare the two trying to figure out how the thing works.. A Skritchpod and a Weirder previously appeared starting here If I were doing this all over again, the Sneeches would get an overhaul. At the very least, a new classification-name. I never know if I'm being overly-cryptic with these strips, so, for anyone who is curious, here's pretty much what Peripatet is thinking in that second panel: "There's something about this whole zarking hat business... We don't even have heads. Why are we suddenly wearing these things? And now here's Comshaw. I don't know him real well, but I've heard the stories about what he's done, the kind of person he is, and the idea that he gives a phizz about what people say about his being bald.. that's ridiculous. So he's probably lying, and whatever the reason is that he's here at this time of day, to talk to Agita in person.. just maybe it has something to do with the hats. Let's extend a feeler.."Of course, he may or may not be entirely right about how Comshaw feels about being bald.. Rosemary and Sylvester met the original Fern here. And yes, she's gotten a design overhaul; I was young and stupid the first time around. The entire Hall of Achievement will in fact be re-done if/when anyone revisits. Good thing Everything Changed today... Agorn the Gnoll first appeared here and most recently appeared here. What exactly he's been doing between those two moments has been left vague, but I do intend to fill in some of the gaps.. pbbllt The Mansionland/Basement day has only twenty hours in it. Glowing Balls of Light were discussed here. And yes, Saying "GBOL light" is very much like saying "ATM Machine". People. What can you do? To celebrate the holiday, here's a look at two characters (they're named Arlen and Juniper) who will be joining the main action at some point, and a thematically-appropriate depiction of how they spent much of the Endless Day. (They're not doing this "right now", the sun's gone down and they've gone home to their wife and mother Eloise.) The outcome of the auction was detailed here and then here. The Nome War was described starting here. Mortimer gave his (rather sketchy) version of these events here Sprocket the Gnoll first appeared way back here, and then arrived to help Sina here. Maggle the Trog had a brief moment in the spotlight in the same strip. Pergola the Gnoll announced her discovery of the Spewer here. The Fluffy Foo Foo Cave was previously mentioned here. Sprocket and Flange were working on Project Y for Mr. Hand when we first met them. Rubrak and Snipe encountered Chauncy and Edgar here. Upernavik, at least, has been seen starting here. In the third panel, Sprocket is referring to the Basement version of a coin-toss. Shona was last seen here. Niddle told her something secret and Finagler-related here If it's any consolation, Comshaw has no idea what they are talking about, either.. An example of Eyebolt-Fixit meshing was previously seen here. So, are you sad or relieved that I didn't exhaustively detail Rezrov the Nome's "endless day" as well? The Mansion of E: all Gnoll porn, all the time. Comshaw's mother and Telic appeared roughly here. Camora's mother is yet to put in an appearance. Ig the Saur ended up with the backpack. Snoot the Motihaul last appeared here. The other guy has appeared before, but not in any important capacity. The Sidestep Gates were ordered closed here, and are normally closed all night when shut. The long digression depicting "SuperRock's" adventures started roughly here and ended roughly here. "GeezerRock" appeared here for a couple of strips. Digger last appeared here.Frowgler last appeared here. If you are seeing this text, your browser does not support inline frames
Of course, he may or may not be entirely right about how Comshaw feels about being bald..