The Mansion of E :: Part Six: On My Way to Town
A perhaps more accurate title for this chapter might have been "Kicking Ass", but I couldn't bring myself to use it. Rosemary and Sylvester touched on the Thricklefork Demon Massacre here.And yes, I meant to write "all accurate", Rosemary is being ungrammatical. Rosemary and Sylvester discussed Cinnamon Crume's book here. Sylvester lectured on tricklepoints here. Yes, it's "Cosmas" and not "Cosmos". Going AWOL.Riding to Chrome.Stealing stuff. Nathan Holn. Gormind Trencherman is the cook at the Moose & Squirrel.Lhune is the province to the south of Audravania. Rosemary and Edgar discussed Scratch here. Discussing Lobcock's book.Edgar demonstrates his wall-wrecking technique. Rosemary mentioned this fellow to Sylvester and Mortimer here. Myrrh revealing her true nature.And no, that's not the Operator in the second panel. He'd never be so gauche as to go around with flames spewing from his head. Wuttgutt's book. Edgar's Barrier. Irk is the University Djinn. Ilsa was discussed here.And yes, that's how Druscilla's name is spelled. It was more like "one and a half" daughters at the point you see Sylvester there. The door can be seen on various occasions, including here. Meeting Protus.Meeting Rhid.Meeting Villipend. Sylvester is (mis)remembering this. This guy was last seen here. Agrada is a far-off desert Human nation which Sylvester's mother and sister visited on their Grand Tour. Yes, Olaf is Old Man Larssen, who came into existence because way back in 2003 I made a casual Far Side reference. He's not particularly fond of the nickname. I'm proud I remembered that Sylvester gave Rosemary that chinstrap for her helmet. Briefly meeting not-Winnifred in the Ettinworks.Nirvana Clepe was the previous MoE Taskmistress. Oliver the neighboring Duke of Obtund was mentioned here. The Eetown Flittermouse appeared here. Most of the people in that first panel were introduced starting here. Yes, I am aware that real-life adult frogs do not possess gills. Violet Hopkirk was introduced more or less here Hanna Tugwart and Belinda Mossett can be seen here. Loretta Stout was introduced here. Rosemary heard the Guild name here. Young Tobias Blake can be seen watching here. And for any completists in the audience, his mother's name is Jennifer. Eunice Kelso is worldly enough to be aware of weapons that actually possess triggers. Eunice has a history of being less than honest, but, for the record, everything she is saying here is true. Yes, I considered running this strip yesterday, but decided to go with someone a little more inspiring than Helena here. Tim Tonbee and his father Arnold were seen roughly here. Belinda Mossett and her unladylike hat. That's a blobwart-cleaning tool she's holding there. Nellie was seen heading off to town here. Argyle Devroe is a regular coachman on the Eetown-Noodle run Rhetorically speaking at least, "droughted blazewood" is about equivalent to "smoking bomb". The Guildhall people paid to have their signs professionally painted. For the record, Aloysius told that bald-faced lie entirely of his own free will and violation. Melba Corrigan and Wilbur were previously mentioned here. If you are seeing this text, your browser does not support inline frames
And no, that's not the Operator in the second panel. He'd never be so gauche as to go around with flames spewing from his head.
And yes, that's how Druscilla's name is spelled.
Nirvana Clepe was the previous MoE Taskmistress.