The Mansion of E :: Part Six: On My Way to Town
It was pointed out to me that my first attempt at drawing the critter in the fourth panel came out looking more like a llama than a horse, so I tweaked it a bit. Cuz it's supposed to be a horse. (Tho if I was doing this all over, I'd indeed consider making the standard riding animal in the Wide World more llama-like.) If you really want to see the original, it's still on display on the backup site. Since it's the season for compassion and mercy.. those things in the second panel are medicinal herbs and roots which Threnody is drying. Sylvester discussed using Threnody as a stopgap Taskmistress here. (And yes, that is Threnody in the old strip; her final design obviously changed.) And Rosemary and Sylvester discussed his lack of Temple participation starting here. Eetown being the fishing village that it is, "Watertight" is local slang for "not crazy". Mortimer met Nitfol here. (And I now see that back then I put Mortimer's thumb on the wrong side of his hand. Ah, well, I was young and stupid..) And Mortimer arrived at the crater here. Sylvester and Rosemary received this report here. The Founding Oracles of the Temple religion were previously listed starting here. Amos and Mortimer discussed this facet of magic-use here. Sylvester and Rosemary discussed the book Lo The Plow Shall Till The Soil Of Redemption here. Peter and Ida's relationship was mentioned here.Juniper made her comment here. Since all the characters are already aware of this, and I don't want to engage in too much As-You-Knowing... a town's Clerk is assigned to it by the central government and/or the Province, and is someone who is imported after being trained at, again, an official Academy, the theory being that having a neutral professional outsider brought in helps cut down on corruption, nepotism and favortism, along with encouraging the spread of new innovations and laws around the country. The Clerk collects taxes and fees, keeps vital records, conducts various mandated censuses and inspections, and assists any and all (locally-selected) law officers (tho they do NOT have the power to personally arrest anyone.) In a small place like Eetown, as Sylvester has previously noted, this still often leaves them enough time to assume other duties, including postmaster/mistress and official Sparkwire operator. If a town gets big enough, their title becomes Bureaucrat, and they gain assistants, and other people/teams take over the other jobs. Mortimer and Nitfol encountered the Spyder here.Talk was made of talking here. Sylvester offered Shark-escape advice here.Mortimer briefly interacted with the (or a) killer tree here. Mortimer and Nitfol encountered Louch and Scrof the forest Gnolls here, along with some Pales. It's always interesting to re-draw one of these very early scenes in my current style. The ravine was seen here, along with one of its inhabitants.And a bit of trivia: In real-life terms, the Raviners/Hill-Crabs/Whatever are by far the oldest characters in the entire strip, though back in middle school I called them "Monsters Coming Over A Hill". Disclaimer: Any depiction of a Barsoomian attending Temple in Eetown should be taken as entirely hypothetical and speculative. Schmedley the butler first appeared, or at least interacted with other folks, here.The world-turtle sculpture was previously glimpsed here. The subject of shutter-installation in the Mansion came up here. Rosemary suggested going to the island nation of Aruba here. No, it's not the Real Life island with the same name. At least not anymore, it was originally assigned before I got serious about working out a backstory for the whole MoE. I could Change it, but I try to avoid doing that much, so call it one of Those Wacky Coincidences. Yeah.And yes, this was the trip where this happened. Agnes went on to be Quincy's wife. Nellie made her comment here. If you're wondering about the differences between the signs on the buildings, Saffron went to the trouble of paying a professional artist to paint the ones on the inn. Ida Mossett and her hook up with Peter was previously discussed here, among other places. Blackbird the Oracle was discussed starting here. Terin Flem the former Guardian appeared here. The other half of this situation was previously seen here. A belated celebration of Father's Day 2015. Back to the story tomorrow. Rosemary's former Hack N' Slash co-worker Baldy and his boyfriend Orvin are not currently married, but they have the option to become so someday if they should so choose. Congrats to all my fellow Americans who now also have that choice. Another year come and gone. The crew of the pirate ship Pretty Lady last appeared here. And while the other two's strips are pretty much dust on the wind, I'm happy to note that The Plant's home strip Station V3 has recently resumed regular updates. Rosemary told Sylvester about her Hack N' Slash instructor Walbert Shawn here. Noodle is the nearest large town.Glome is Audravania's provincial capital.The Forest of Burzee is a popular pilgramage/tourist site. Sylvester detoured out of his way to visit it again when he went off to the University. Mortimer talked with Yasmine about this subject here. The Eetown watchtower was discussed here. Rosemary is perhaps being a bit disingenuous here, since she has in fact only been in the two Provincial capitals shown, but her basic point is nonetheless correct. Mortimer's inattention was mentioned here. Mortimer's previous mention of Dorian happened here. And yes, Rosemary is much better at remembering things than Mortimer is; she's even had some professional-level training in the area. Rosemary heard about the forest critters here. 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