The Mansion of E :: Saturdays in the Basement :: Shabash and Rowbynn
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Saturdays in the Basement :: Nests [03/05/2014 08/08/2015]
Saturdays in the Basement :: Tasks [15/08/2015 26/03/2016]
Saturdays in the Basement :: Shabash and Rowbynn [02/04/2016 01/07/2017]
Saturdays in the Basement :: Leny Hall [08/07/2017 24/02/2018]
Saturdays in the Basement :: Nitid the Helipath [03/03/2018 present]
No, that's not Frowgler. Using a horned frog for this kind of job is just asking for trouble. Spoiler: Sadly, if Shabash does attempt to call her, Ms. Merrill has probably been dead for about fifty years. Rhid got blown up starting here. 1. After a discussion with a fan about gender, I decided to make a small Change and give the one-sex Helipaths more "feminine" colored eyes, but not eyelashes.2. I can be a lazy artist, but for the record, I did actually draw Shabash five times here.3. And since Telic isn't one to expend unnecessary effort explaining anything.. no, she's not dead. Fanga and Shabash on the job."For someone who never leaves his office, and doesn't use aurilnodes, you certainly are well-informed." Telic's conversation with Comshaw A previous discussion regarding Wyrms and "eat"ing.Thanks again to fan J. for Rowbynn's name. A hostile Ring.A spying Ring. SlimegrubUrwyn the Shallow Wyrm. One of the difficulties in doing dialogue for Basement-dwellers is avoiding the use of words that would have no meaning for them. Like "horizon". Carmal spoke of Fixits here.Camora was "officially" ridden by Hax starting here. Bromir was previously seen here. Agorn meeting Bromir.Agorn meeting his friend.Agorn meeting his whelp. Summoning objects out of thin air. If you are seeing this text, your browser does not support inline frames
"For someone who never leaves his office, and doesn't use aurilnodes, you certainly are well-informed."